Friday, July 1, 2011

Seems Like A Dream

July 1, 2011

Just think. Six months from this day will be New Year’s Day! We are exactly half way through this year. What an astonishing thought!

I visited my ophthalmologist yesterday. When I checked out, the girl at the desk gave me a card with the date of my next appointment on it. It read January 23, 2012. Seeing next year's date on my very next appointment card was a bit of a shock!

My youngest granddaughter’s birthday was yesterday. I was there to welcome her when she came into the world twelve years ago. Remembering the tiny six pound, seven ounce infant and looking at her now – a beautiful young lady – boggles the mind! It seems like only months ago. It was. 144 of them!

When my grandmother died, a letter she’d written to her daughter was read at her funeral. In it, she reminisced about her life, emphasizing her love for her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Near the end, she remarked about how quickly the years had passed and wistfully said, “It all seems like a dream – a beautiful dream!”

I thought her letter was “sweet” at the time, but now that I’m in the autumn of my years with the cold winds of winter breathing down my neck, I understand that it was much more than that. It was her way of turning the sadness of her last days into something memorable for those she loved.
And I realize, too, that my life also seems very much like a dream – a beautiful dream!


shanna said...

This is just beautiful. We don't think about how fast tiem passes because everyone is so busy these days. we should slow down and enjoy life more.

bill said...

Nice. This year is flying that's for sure. I like this post. bill

Anonymous said...

good post peg. I like the pictures to.

sam said...

Very good as always peg. Another one that makes us stop and think. sam

Janice said...

How do you do it peg? you keep coming up with the most beautiful stories. I love your posts. keep it up forever. Janice

luella said...

This is great. I really like the part about your grandmother. very good.

Anonymous said...

Peggy, I don't know how you keep writing such heartwarming stories. Sounds like you've had a very interesting life. Each time I read something, I say 'this is the best yet' but there is always another one just as good or better. You should write a book.

Peggy~ said...

Anonymous: Thank you so much for your kind words! I have had a wonderful life! I did write a book. You can see the name of it and where to get it on my blog. Peggy~