Remembrances from a life filled with joy, love, and laughter... and enough pain to ensure humility~
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Flooding in WV - Nothing New
the news of devasting floods hit the airwaves this past Friday, I couldn’t
help but think, “Flooding is nothing new for West Virginia.”
More than forty
years ago, on February 26, 1972, one of the deadliest floods in U.S. history
occurred in southern West Virginia's Buffalo Creek hollow. It was reported that
negligent strip mining and heavy rain produced a raging flood. In a matter of
minutes, 118 were dead and over 4,000 people were left homeless. Seven were
never found.
The flooding
that struck Charleston, West Virginia, and the surrounding Kanawha Valley on
July 19-20,1961, was one of the worst natural disasters ever to hit the area.
Five adults and four children died in what was then called Magazine Hollow, and
22 people overall died from the torrents of water.
The flood that came the closest to home for
me was the Paint Creek Flood of 1932. Some of my earliest memories are stories
my parents and grandparents told me about this one.
Late in the evening, on July10th,
after a beautiful sunny day, the heavy rains commenced, accompanied by
lightening and thunder and didn’t let up. People began to realize it was
showing signs of flooding. They gathered their families and moved as quickly as
possible to higher ground. Some to old chicken houses and other out buildings
that had been built for their needs. Others relied on the kindness of relatives
who lived a few miles away from the creek that was on the verge of overflowing
its banks.
The flood caused widespread damage and at
least 18 deaths.
Many years later, after my grandmother
passed away, I had the opportunity to read the journal she kept as a young wife
and mother. She wrote about her family’s experience with that killer flood.
Here’s her account:
terrible night in July of 1932, disaster struck. With little warning, there
came a heavy downpour. It rained and rained and rained. Thunder boomed and
great bolts of lightening lit up the sky like daylight. Before long, a huge amount
of water was rushing down Paint Creek. Faster and faster it went gaining speed
until it was strong enough to destroy everything in its path!
was good at reading weather signs. We had survived severe storms in Alabama
before moving to West Virginia. Early on, he realized we needed to move to
higher ground. Gwen, then thirteen, was able to scale the steep mountain behind
our house on her own, Melvin carried Ben, six-years-old and I toted
four-year-old Jack on my hip.
stopped behind a huge boulder and watched in amazement as the waters rushed
past us down below. It was shocking to see large articles of furniture bobbing
up and down in the angry waters as they raced by; animals trying desperately to
swim to safety – in vain; whole houses and rooftops and all kinds of debris
speeding by as if they had an important destination. We heard screams and
people yelling their loved ones’ names. It was chilling!
hovered there in the safety of the boulder until daylight – the children
clinging to us – frozen in terror.
With the rising of the sun,
the storm subsided and the waters slowed to a trickle. We made our way back
home, wading through deep mud, not knowing what to expect.
house was still standing, but filled with sludge – no longer livable.
ankle-deep in thick slimy mud – wet, cold, hungry and homeless – I lost
control. With my three children clinging to my legs, I cried out, “Sometimes it
seems that God Himself has turned away from us!”
set out for Kingston, a few miles up the creek, and stayed with my sister, Ann,
and her husband until Melvin got a job with the mines there and the company
rented us a house of our own.”
I wonder how many victims of this latest
West Virginia flood felt the way my grandmother felt as they watched their
homes and all of their belongings snatched away in seconds. One man on TV said
he had only the clothes on his back and didn’t even know where his house was!
The latest death toll is 26.
I was startled when I saw a comment on social
media that read: ”Does anything good ever happen in West Virginia?”
Well, yes, it does. But before I answer, I
need some time to reflect.
Monday, June 20, 2016
He Won't Stay Mad
His name was Freddy. He was only two and a half years old.
In the summertime, he was often seen roaming
the neighborhood barefoot with his soaking wet training pants hanging down to
his knees. In today’s world, someone would have called the authorities, but in
the 1950’s, the neighbors looked after him. In Freddy’s case, it really did
“take a village.”
Freddy was an adorable child, but he wasn’t
cared for the way he deserved. He showed up at our house frequently at mealtime
and hung around in the kitchen until my mother had dinner ready. She often fixed
an extra plate and lifted him up in a chair so he could eat with us. Nobody
ever seemed to be looking for him. When it was almost dark, Mother would say to
me, “It’s time to take Freddy home.”
His mother thanked me for bringing him
home, closed the door and that was that until the next day when I’d look out
the window and see Freddy in our yard again. We had apple trees and, there were
always apples on the ground around them. It wasn’t unusual to see the little
boy carrying a big apple around munching on it while he played.
Ours was the last house on the street,
right beside the river. It was a miracle that the water held no fascination for
Freddy except he loved to throw rocks toward it, but try as he may, he didn’t
have enough strength in his little arm to hurl a rock far enough to make a big
splash in the water.
Freddy had another problem: at two and a
half years old, his speech patterns had not developed completely and it was
rather amusing to hear him use “Ls” in place of “Rs.”
One day, another neighborhood boy, about
15, came by to talk to me while Freddy was throwing rocks toward the river.
When he became exasperated because he just couldn’t lob one into the water, he
picked up a rock, handed it to my friend, Ronnie, and said, “Lonnie, will you please throw this lock in
the liver?”
My friend and I doubled over with laughter.
Freddy looked from one to the other of us in surprise, then turned and ran out
of my yard and down the street toward his house as fast as his little chubby
legs would carry him. Ronnie and I stopped laughing and yelled at Freddy to
come back, but he didn’t even slow down!
We felt so bad! “He’ll be back,” I said. “After
all, he’s just a child. He won’t stay mad at us.”
He did come back, but not as often. It was
as if he didn’t trust us after that.
Soon, summer was over and I returned to
school. Time passed, I grew up, got married and moved away. After a while, my
parents moved away, too, and we lost track of Freddy and his family, but I thought
about him sometimes and wished I could apologize for my insensitivity all those
summers ago when he was just an innocent toddler whose speech was still a work
in progress.
And I wondered what happened to him.
Did he grow up, go to school and become a
worthwhile human being? With a family that didn’t seem to care about him, it
was hard to imagine that he would have had a normal life. But I hoped it turned
out well for him.
Then one day, while shopping, I ran into
Freddy’s sister, Angela. She was three years older than her brother. After
exchanging pleasantries, I eagerly asked, “How’s Freddy?”
“Oh, he’s fine,” she said. “He’s a veterinarian,
married and has two kids, a boy and a girl. Lives in the old neighborhood.”
“That’s great!” I said.
We said our goodbyes then – and promised to
stay in touch.
It made my day to see Angela and to know
that Freddy was okay. All these years, I’d carried around the guilt of hurting this little boy's feelings.
I should have known that God takes care of little children!
Picture by
Picture by
Friday, June 17, 2016
Dreaming of a Perfect Day!
The 2016 election has been controlling the
air waves for at least six months. Brace yourselves! There are approximately
five months to go before it’s over. Though I like to keep up, it does get a
little annoying sometimes when that’s nearly all you get on the Telly.
However, I’ll take that any day over the events
that have been pushing it aside for the past few days.
Dominating the news this week was the
dastardly shooting in an Orlando gay bar. At least
49 people were killed and 53 wounded. It’s being called the worst mass shooting in
U.S. history. Not
only were 49 lives snuffed out for no reason, but also, the lives of their mothers,
fathers, sisters, brothers and others who loved them were changed drastically
because of one madman who had no regard for human life! The only redeeming factor is that his life was taken, too.
Senseless violence.
Equally as spine-chilling was the
horrifying news of a two-year-old boy snatched by a menacing alligator as the
toddler played near the edge of the water not far from a Walt Disney World
The boy’s father tried to pry the gator’s
mouth open but the reptile wrested the boy from him and plunged into the
murky water. Thankfully, the little boy’s body was later found – in tact – and
it was concluded that he died of drowning.
What a nightmare!
Sometimes it seems that all the news is
bad. Nary a day goes by that we don’t hear something terrible. Has it always
been this way or do we just pay more attention to it as we get older?
A friend and I were discussing all of this
and we agreed that, just once, we’d like to get out of bed, turn on the TV and be
greeted by a smiling announcer who says, “Good Morning! Here’s your weather
“The sun is shining everywhere today. The
temperature is perfect! There’s no rain in sight – no clouds in the sky!”
“And now, for the news...
Actually, there is no news to report.
It’s all good!
Enjoy your day!”
Dream on...
Dream on...
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Ponderings on a Hot June Day
June 11 – 93°.
The summer’s barely started and already,
the heat is unbearable. Furthermore, it is predicted we’re in for a lot more of
the same!
It’s no secret to those who know me that I
don’t enjoy it. In fact, I hate it!
I hate summer like most people hate
wintertime. I’m good for no more than ten minutes outside on a day like this. It
saps my energy and when I go back to air conditioning, my sinuses are so messed
up, I’m miserable. It’s just no fun!
I’m looking forward to late August when a
hint of fall starts moving in.
But to all my summer-lovin’ family and
friends, by all means, enjoy!
My son, Lee, and I had a rather odd
conversation the other day. It started with both of us lamenting about how fast
time passes. Lee and I can have this conversation because it feels like we’re
much closer in age than we are. I was barely 18 when he was born. As my
first-born, he matured so quickly, I sometimes wondered if he’d been
reincarnated (joking). We can talk about literally anything – and do.
Neither of us understands why it seems that
one day, we’re young and enjoying life – the world on a string – and the next,
we find ourselves at an age we used to think of as middle-aged – or older! We
see gray hair, wrinkles and what’s worse, our health begins to fail in small
ways and we find ourselves in doctor’s offices more than we ever thought we
“The only social life your dad and I
have these days is going to visitations at funeral homes and funerals,” I told
him. “We do get the occasional graduation, but these days, more of them are
from colleges than high schools.”
“Do you ever wonder what it’s all about?”
Lee said. “Just what is our purpose? Life goes by so fast! Much of our time is
not enjoyable and sometimes, we have hardships that make it almost unbearable,
yet, we soldier on. Why?”
”I suppose that’s the way it’s suppose to
be,” he continued. “We live our lives, play the hand we’ve been dealt to the
best of our ability, then get old and watch the next generation preparing to
take over – and like us, they’re certain they can do it better than we did and
sure they have plenty of time ‘cause they’re gonna live forever!”
“Ha! Are they in for a rude awakening!” I
said. “It’s such a surprise when, one day you wake up and look in the mirror
and see your mother or father staring back at you. Suddenly, your children are
grown and you’re buying long-term care insurance and a cemetery plot.”
How depressing!
“I think I’ve figured it out,” I said.
“Each generation is responsible for populating the earth with the next
generation and teaching them everything we know so they’ll be able to
carry on when we’re gone.”
“Whadda’ya’ think?”
“Ultimately, everyone comes to the same
end,” Lee said.
“Death!” we said simultaneously.
I warned you it was an odd conversation.
we agreed it was time to change the subject.
I warned you it was an odd conversation.

Saturday, June 4, 2016
And Now the Sun Shines
I’m always amazed when suddenly, it turns
as dark as night, rains cats and dogs, thunder booms and lightening crashes
making me feel helpless and then, within a few minutes, it stops as fast as it
started and the sun comes out again! Somehow, I feel as though I’ve been chastised,
or at least, warned. It reminds me of the way my mother used to warn me about my
behavior and then, kiss the top of my head to let me know she still loved me.
A little while ago, it was like that here. When
I got up it was so dark, I thought perhaps my clocks were wrong and it was the
middle of the night. Maybe I should go
back to sleep, I thought. But I could hear Mr. H. going about his usual
routine and knew it was time to get up. Suddenly a bolt of lightening, accompanied by booming thunder, seemed to
come right through the skylight. I shrieked loudly,
scaring poor Liza and she scurried from the room.
Okay, I said to no one
in particular, a cup of coffee and a
little TV will relax me and the storm will be gone shortly – but no such luck! The cable
was off! Lovely! No TV, no Internet, no phone calls, just total quiet. What
will I do with that?
Think back, Peggy.... when you were growing
up, you’d never even heard of the Internet or an iPhone, TV was available but expensive
and everybody didn’t own one. (I’m telling my age here, aren’t I?) And even if
they did, it was on only a few hours a day, usually in the evening.
What did we do with all that time?
Well, for one thing, we talked to each
other. I think we’ve forgotten how nice conversation can be. Each family member
contributed – sharing experiences and telling funny stories. We laughed and
sometimes, we even sang, especially at holiday time. Memories we cherish now,
were made then.
But it seems we’ve become a society of, “Maybe
we can talk later, it’s time for my favorite TV show!” Or, "Can it wait? I’m
Facebooking right now.” Or, “I don’t have time for a phone conversation, just
text me, okay?”
Time goes by—and one day we realize we’ve
lost a whole lot of relatives and friends with whom we rarely talked or spent
time. Guilt and sadness prevails for a while, but life goes on and so do we—in the
same old manner.
Unfortunately, we tend to fall into the
patterns and practices of the day. I once said, “Facebook doesn’t interest me
in the least.” But now, my day is not complete unless I check in with my Facebook
friends and see if anything noteworthy has been shared. Sometimes, I feel I have
something to share, too. Same with Twitter. When did I go from, “It doesn’t
interest me,” to “tweeting” every day and having more than 2500 followers?
As for now – right this minute – the sun
shines mockingly. I'm still waiting - and more than a little disgruntled. It’s been over two hours; my
house is as quiet as a tomb. Technology is so advanced, we shouldn’t have to
wait for two hours plus to get our service back when it goes off.
That's asking a lot of someone who's addicted to Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, don't cha' think?

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