Peggy's stories and poems have also appeared in USA Deep South, All Things Girl, Midlife Collage, Bewildering Stories, Front Porch Magazine, Page & Spine, Memoirabilia and A Quiet Courage. Her books, Somewhere in Heaven My Mother is Smiling, Unseen Angels, which she coauthored with Betty J. Williams, Sweet Whispers of Youth, poetry, Stop the World and Get Off, Does God Want us to Be Happy, Cries of a Broken Spirit, Dancing With Sugarplums, She Did it Her Way and children's book, Sunshine Hollow with Betty J. Williams are all available in both Paperback and Kindle! Why Does Christmas Lose its Magic, On Waters of Sorrow, Remembering Sadie, Fear of Flying and One Special Summer are available in Kindle only at this time.
Check Amazon.com. for all books. Peggy belongs to West Virginia Writers, Inc. and blogs at Peggy's Ponderings, Peg's Personal Essays, Somewhere in Heaven and Peg's Late Night Musings.
Writing is my passion! I'm not sure I have anything to say that interests anyone else, but I sure love trying! I've been writing all my life... stories, poems, whatever strikes my fancy. I have been married to the same man for more years than I'm ready to admit here. We have children and grandchildren and are still happily married. I'm very thankful for my many blessings!
There are a lot of people intrested in what you have to say peggy. I always read everything you post. Can't wait to see more.
I just found your blog through a friend, Peggy. I'm glad I did. You have some beautiful stories here!
Just found this and it is wonderful. Your sweet Chase takes after you I think. I will be dropping back by more often. I too was a writer. I worked for almost 20 years as a reporter for our home town weekly. Mostly news stories, but ever once in a while something I really wanted to share. Keep up the good work.
Thanks so much, Sharon, for your nice comments. Yes, I like to think Chase inherited my love for writing. Glad to know you are a writer, too. Please do come back often. I appreciate everyone who reads my blog, and it's even better when they like it!
I found your blog through your comment on All Things Girl. I thought you'd want to know. I enjoyed reading your posts. I am a beginning writer hoping to be published. I am going to post as anonymous so I don't promote myself through your blog.
Good luck with your writing, Anonymous! And thanks for commenting.
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