When I awakened this morning, I felt like Trixie again. You know, the funny little child in the comic pages who crawls around on the floor all day looking for her “sunbeam.” When it finally appears, she is so happy!
I was happy, too. I hadn’t seen the sun for four days and was beginning to feel a little “down.” But there it was – waiting patiently and brightly – when I opened my eyes. Sunshine is the only thing that gets me out of bed without complaining, or at least groaning a little. So up I jumped, made my bed, got dressed and went to the kitchen for my OJ and that wonderful first cup of tea. Why is the first cup of the day always the best? (Another blog).
A day without sunshine is a day without accomplishment for me. No sun, no work for this gal. I only labor when the sun charges my batteries. So I had big plans for today and the list was long after four days. I was geared up and ready to go!
Unfortunately, though, it was all for naught. By the time I finished eating my breakfast, the skies were gray again and it was starting to rain. We didn’t even get “one day in a row” of sunshine!
Do you suppose Mother Nature has forgotten that it’s September – a time for warm sunny days, blue skies, foliage that displays just a hint of color and cooler nights? Nah! She wouldn’t do that. She’s just a little slow getting started this year. We must be patient like Trixie, who faithfully watches and waits for her sunbeam.
One day soon, September, as we know it, will show up and be just as special as we knew she’d be; then, with all the elegance that we’ve come to expect of her, she’ll escort us ever so gently into a spectacular October.
And that’s when we’ll know it was worth the wait.
Hey peg. I thought we'd lost you. Glad you're back. I like this post as always. you're right on target. sam
Another good one peggy.
Very good post. I believe laughter is the best medicine. always works for me anyways.
I think Mark Twain was right. Nothing lifts us out of the doldrums like laughing. thanks peg.
Laugh at least 15 min. every day. That's what I read. It's good for you. Good post peg.
How sweet - the antics of your cat brought you our of your tearful mood.
This is a feel good story.
Of course Mark Twain was right peg. Nuthin' better for you than laughing.
It's a cure for everything.
What's "curing" these people of physical disease and emotional troubles is not necessarily the laughter, itself. It may be due to the fact that they take time for themselves and shut out a lot of harmful influences for periods of hours or days. We have many psychic resources (other examples are prayer and meditation) deep within ourselves, and when those are allowed to surface without the counter-pressures of others, we enter a healing state. That said, I think that laughter and watching funny movies - my favorites are the Marx Brothers - are really healthy distractions and the right kind of "medicine" for most day-to-day problems.
I agree Su. I've tried meditation - on doctor's orders- and it worked wonders! But the relaxed, uplifted feeling I have after a really good laugh session is like nothing else... at least for me.
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