Saturday, January 4, 2014

Alien Ornament - 2013

Yesterday was defrock day for Mr. H. and me.
In plain language, we took down the Christmas tree and other decorations.
Anyone who has been reading this blog for at least a year, knows that we always find a little surprise when we take down our tree. This has been going on for about seven years now.
While removing ornaments, we never fail to find one that we didn’t hang when we put the tree up. Odd thing is… nobody in the family admits to adding it. So, while we have our suspicions, we’re still not certain who the culprit is that blesses us with a shiny new ornament every Christmas.
This year, we discovered the one you see at the top of this post. If you’re interested in reading about former years, you can look here:
I only started telling you about my alien ornaments with the fourth one, so I don’t have pictures of the first three, but next year – assuming I’m still here – I’ll take pics of them and make my Alien Story complete.
Perhaps someday, I can reveal the person or persons who have been giving us surprise ornaments all these years.  (Thank you!)
But I think that might spoil the fun. Don't you?


Sandy said...

Adorable. all your alien ornament stories are very good. someone cares a lot about you and Mr H to fo to so much trouble.

Anonymous said...

Love it! What a great idea.

Claire Swenson said...

I love that someone wants to surprise you each year. I bet they can't wait each year until you find it.

Phyllis Griffith said...

Wow...what a cool thing. I bet the "giver" of these alien ornaments is having the best time doing this. What an awesome thing to do.