Thursday, September 25, 2014

Only Three Months

As I sat looking out at the beautiful sunshine and woolgathering this afternoon, a
thought struck me. Three months from today will be Christmas Day!
Doesn’t that excite you?
Oh, yeah. I think I hear protesting and name-calling in the distance. Why do a lot of people rail against the holiday season? You hate to shop, right? I do, too! That’s why Mr. H. and I have taken to doing most of ours online the past few years. It’s so much easier. 
But shopping is not all of it. What about the baking, decorating, beautiful carols, getting together with family and friends. Don’t you enjoy some of it? It almost seems that we have begun to think of it as something we have to get through – and the sooner, the better.
Too bad that the most important holiday of the year has become one that people  dread!
 It wasn’t always that way.
Let’s go back  a few decades:
As Christmas Day draws near, holiday joy fills the air. Carols play continuously as last-minute shoppers bustle about. Everyone we meet greets us with “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” in this – the most love-filled time of year! Homes are decorated for the season with brightly lit trees, wreaths and sweetly-scented, flickering candles. Wonderful aromas waft through the air as mothers bake savory treats for family and for sharing with friends and neighbors. Many holiday parties and special programs are planned.
Children are glowing with excitement and expectation.
It’s a wonderful time of year.  No one complains that it’s too much work because it’s all about love!
Now, aren’t you happy I reminded you that Christmas is only three months away?


Sandy T. said...

You're right Peggy. We do forget that it's not all about work. We need to remember that it should be a joyful time. It's just such a busy world and it's harder than it used to be said...

Nice reminder. Thanks.

Sandie Bills said...

A great article, sometimes we get to busy to remember what the season is really about! Thanks Peggy

Dennis J. said...

Nice post Peggy. We need a reminder like that about this time of year.