This day on the calendar holds bitter-sweet memories for me
because it was my father’s birthday. Had he lived so long, he would be ninety-five today! Instead, he surrendered his life to heart disease at a mere
sixty-three years old. I loved him dearly! Still do. Memories
of him invade my thoughts often, sometimes bringing a smile, other times, a few
He was such a gentle man. He had twinkling brown eyes, black hair
and olive skin beautiful enough to make any woman envious. I loved his hands; they were soft. Except for a few
years in the coal mines, the work he did was easy – mostly done at a desk.
My dad was the happiest man I ever knew. I used to wake up in the morning to the sound
of his singing in the kitchen as he brewed his coffee. He usually sang favorite old hymns like Precious Memories and Lily of the Valley. Sometimes when I'm alone – if I close my eyes and concentrate – I can still hear him singing these
words, “He’s the Lily of the Valley, the
Bright and Morning Star, He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul...”
This is beautiful Peggy. There's no doubt how much you loved your dad.
It's sad but love does hurt peggy. to bad it has to be that way. the orange tree is outstanding.
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