Saturday, September 2, 2017

Ah, September!


Clara D. said...

These are wonderful, Peggy! You're so talented.

Dennis J said...

Love your quotes, Peg!

Linda said...

Beautiful! I see your quotes everywhere online. You're famous! :) They are so good. I don't understand how you continue to create them, but I'm glad you do. Keep it up. We love you.

Peggy~ said...

Thanks for all those kind words, Linda! They're very much appreciated. As far as creating the quotes... they usually start in a blog. While writing a story, I get carried away emotionally and, as my hands transfer my thoughts onto paper, sometimes I'm lucky enough that something worthwhile is the result. Quote seekers find them, put quotation marks around them and use them in their blogs or websites. Sometimes it's a surprise to me when I find one online. But I like it that they seem to make others happy. I finally gathered up all I could find and put them together on a page in one of my blogs. I think you can also find a lot of them on Goodreads. Thanks again! <3

Unknown said...

At the beginning of each September I share your quote with my friends. It so perfectly captures my feelings too!

Peggy~ said...

Thank you, Steve. That's so nice of you to share my quotes with others. I'm glad you like them. :)