Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fall is in the Air

September 4th.
How did it get here so fast? It doesn't seem like that long ago that I was complaining about having to have an emergency appendectomy. The same day, without warning, my laptop died a sudden death. It was January. Considering how it started out, I was convinced that the year 2013 was going to be unlucky for us.
By the time I recovered from surgery, it was March. Spring had sprung! Not my favorite time of year, but I do like Easter, which was on March the 31st this year. However, I was forced to write posts about all the things that went wrong over the Easter holiday.
Our refrigerator took a break and didn’t work throughout the weekend, while we had out-of-town guests. One of our toilets malfunctioned at the same time. The disposer decided to spring a leak and emptied water under the kitchen sink just minutes before our guests arrived. That should have been enough, but it wasn’t. While I was making pies for Easter dinner, the kitchen water faucet was suddenly possessed by demons and spewed water all over the kitchen. But, somehow, despite all these problems, we managed to get through the weekend and actually enjoyed a nice Easter with our large family.
Then came April.
In this beautiful month, I had an unusual experience while trying to get to a doctor’s office for an appointment. I got my heel stuck in an elevator track and, while standing there waiting to be set free, I couldn’t help but wonder…  if someone pushed a button right now, would they find half my body on the second floor and half still on the first? It was nerve-wracking to say the least!
By the first of July, with more than half the year gone, I realized how quickly it was passing and wrote: Mark my words, as soon as the last firecracker pops on the Fourth, it’s all over! We’ll still swim, picnic and perhaps go to the beach, but for all practical purposes, we’ll be speeding toward fall, colored leaves and another school year.
And here we are: The kids are back in school. The temps are dropping. Everything is changing. Fall is in the air. Pumpkins are displayed en masse in front of Kroger. Mums, too. It’s a wonderful time of year!
Ah, September!  How happy I am to see you again!
For Mr. H. and me, the cherry on the sundae is that yesterday was our anniversary! Our life together has been a long, eventful journey. Looking back, it seems like only yesterday that we were young kids just starting out on our own. The world was our oyster and we thought we had forever to make our mark, but it has passed like a dream. Sometimes I find myself asking, “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?”
Life is good, but there’ll always be some bad times like we had the first four months of this year. You can count on it!
Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It simply means you’ve learned to look beyond the imperfections and enjoy life one day at a time!

4 comments: said...

You do love this time of year don't you Peg? Enjoy. Good post.

Sandy said...

Very well written post Peggy. I like fall to.

luella said...

Happy Anniversary -belated. Hope it was a good one. you don't say how many years but you talk about your large family so it must have been a while. I like reading your stories. Keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

Congrats. on your anniversary! May you have lots more and better every time!
