Well, here we are on the third day of the third month
of the year! How’d we get here so fast?
Seems like only yesterday we were taking down the Christmas decorations.
I talk a lot about how fast time passes, but I
never get used to it. I suppose, somewhere in the back of my mind, I’m thinking
it’s gonna slow down one of these days.
But it isn’t.
You know why? Because the older we get, the faster it
goes. It’s true. Ask anyone past fifty and he’ll tell you that time goes so
much faster now than it did when he was thirty.
Somehow I just knew the year 2013 wasn’t going to be
good for me. And I was right! Nothing good has happened yet. I totally lost January and
February. Don’t know where they went, but they’re gone and I can never get them
I was hit with a double-whammy one Monday morning in
mid-January. Not only did my doctor’s office phone to tell me the doctor wanted
to see me right away about a CT scan I’d had done on Friday, but when I turned
on my computer to check my mail before going, nothing happened! Absolutely
nothing. It was dead. Totally. As in doornail.
Didn’t matter. I had to put that aside and go to the
doctor’s office. I was more than a little nervous since the girl who called
said “no appointment necessary; just come on in.” I imagined all sorts of
things – none of them good.
Everything happened so fast! After a very short conversation with the doctor about
my CT scan, he sent me to consult with a surgeon who sent me directly to a
hospital where I was immediately prepared for surgery to remove my appendix. Great!
Many people have this operation and go home the same
day but not me! Complications kept me in the hospital for three days and lying around for another week after I came home. However the
six week recovery period evaporated and here I am into March already –
wondering how I got here so fast.
The only bright spot was that shortly after I got home,
I found that Mr. H. had ordered a new laptop for me, so I was without one
for only a week. Having it and being able to spend time getting it all set up
aided my recovery, too, as it kept my mind on something besides the way I felt.
I’m usually not superstitious, but after the way this
year started off, it’s hard not to wonder what might happen in the next ten
months. I know I shouldn't wish my life away but I hope they go as fast as the first two have...
'Cause I’ll feel much better when 2013 is behind me.

I think most people are a little superstitious about this year Peggy. Good post.
Funny and right on target. Its not a good number at all. I'll feel better when its over to. Jon
Yep, we're all a little superstitious about this one. I'll be glad when it's over just like you. Nice post.
Sorry that you had to get your appendix out, Peg, but so glad it wasn't worse:()
I hope you're feeling great soon. The passage of time is truely hard to grasp now.
Oh Peggy I am so sorry to see your troubles. One thing I have learned in my life is NOT to say "oh great, what else can happen?" Plenty !! Even when I WANT to say it, I hold my tongue !! One of my favorite expressions is by Helen Keller "Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows" imagine being blind and deaf .... talk about a small world !! and how her "nanny" (Anne Sullivan ?) got through to her ......I'll pray for peace for you !! (and good health) !!
Peggy, Peggy, Peggy 2013 are only numbers and you are well aware that numbers played a big part in the Bible, but I don't think this combination of numbers are signifigant (ms) to any happenings that come your way. 2012 my computer crashed and Ralph died, but I didn't feel jinxed by that number. Let go and Let God take controll of all situations.
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